Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hiking West Rock

Image via CT Postcards

Hello friends!

As you know by now, I live in New Haven. More specifically, I live in West Rock. Well really, the border of West Rock and Westville, but that's inconsequential.

Every time I leave my house, I am greeted with the view of a very large rock called, you guessed it... West Rock! Not to be confused with East Rock, another giant rock on the other side of the city.

If you've ever take CT-15, you've probably driven through West Rock. Literally. The tunnel between exits 59 and 60 goes straight through this magnificent rock.

We have lived here since January and I am ashamed to say that up until this past week I had yet to go and explore it, unlike my boyfriend. He's a runner, biker, hiker extraordinaire. He would go there often, and every time he would show me these wonderful photos. I'm more of a sit and home and watch Netflix with a glass of wine kind of gal, but finally I thought enough was enough.

And so we went.

We walked two blocks from our house to Amrhyn Field, part of West Rock Park, and continued up the trails, chasing the sun and turning back once it had set.

The 1,700 acre park holds within it 23 miles of hiking, biking, dog walking, and other general amusements. At the top of the rock, if you can make it there, is a breathtaking view of the South most parts of the city, as well as the Long Island Sound. If your eyesight is good enough, or with a little help of some binoculars, you might even be able to make out Long Island itself.

If you're from out of town and would like to visit the rock, there is free parking at the corner of Blake Street and Valley Street. The park is open from 8 a.m. to sunset.

You can read more about the park from Connecticut DEEP's website:

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